
Monday, January 30, 2012

January 22 -28, 2012

Things are going well for the Gant Family. I only have one more week until I can put full weight on my leg again (woo hoo!!). I have been given permission to drive again, which after 9 weeks, is nice to do again. The kids are getting so big and Kinley is crawling full time now. We were fortunate enough to have my sister, Lisa, and her boy Blake, with us this past weekend. It's the second time she's been to Vegas in three weeks...awesome! Enjoy!

Colton in full relax mode.

Kinley showing off three of her five teeth.

I love little girls in dresses! Kinley loves playing with her brother's toys.

Colton loves to line up all of his cars. This night he decided to line up all of his cars, including trains and planes.

Here is the final product.

Kinley had fun watching Colton with all of his transportation toys.

Kinley is getting so big that she now eats breakfast with the family. Her current favorite are waffles that she can pick up with her fingers all by herself. Funny thing about Kinley is that whenever she sees someone eating something she immediately wants some of it. She will get very upset if we leave her out of the fun of eating regular food.

My nephew Blake playing with Kinley. Kinley has been freaked out by men lately. For some reason she starts crying when she sees a guy that she doesn't know. This happened a few weeks ago whenUncle Andy visited and again this weekend with Blake. It took her a couple of hours to warm up to him and the food that he fed helped as well.

Blake walking with Kinley. I have a sneaky feeling that Kinley may become an early walker. She is already crawling full on but she also loves it when you walk with her and she actually takes pretty good steps all on her own. Kinley is also getting good at pulling herself up all by herself and standing for a period of time. I'm not ready for her to start walking!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 15 - 21, 2012

We were lucky enough to have some visitors this week. Uncle (silly) Andy and his friend from Uruguay, Luciana, came to stay with us for a couple of days. Colton was in heaven! We love seeing Andy and having him stay with us and Colton loves Andy for playing with him nearly 24/7! Enjoy!

The kids with Luciana and Andy.

Brothers being silly. I'm not sure Kinley likes being held like a football :)!

Colton is encouraging Kinley to "go for it," meaning to start crawling.

Happy Kinley!

I find this so funny. This is Kinley's way of crawling. She first gets up on all fours and sticks her bum out. After that she moves forward and down. Love it!!

I went to a friend's shower and Kinley went with me and was the belle of the shower. She knows how to draw attention to herself. She laughed so much that I heard "what a happy baby" more than once :).

Love this smile!

January 8 - 14, 2012

Not too much going on this week. The kids are getting bigger and bigger and Kinley is taking her first steps towards crawling and sitting up in a shopping cart. It's amazing how quickly time flies and kids grow up. Enjoy!

Colton loves to stack his blocks and here he is showing Kinley what he did.

Colton loves his sister so much and loves to show it, especially when the camera is out.

Kinley fell asleep on my lap. She was really, really tired.

Kinley up on all fours. She can get around to wherever she wants to go.

We took the kids to Costco and because I am still in a wheelchair, we tried having both kids in the cart together for the first time. They did great and it was nice to get out of the house for a little while.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 1 - 7, 2012

We were lucky enough to have some more visitors this week. My sister and niece, Lisa and Mallory, came to help out for a couple of days. All of us were so excited to have them with us. Colton and Mallory loved all of the extra attention and it was sad to see them go. Good thing Lisa and our nephew, Blake, will be coming back at the end of the month for a few days. Enjoy!

Kinley loves her daddy!

Have I mentioned how much these two love each other?

Colton helping Kinley get some of her toys out.

Kinley turned 8 months old on 01-04-12.

Height: At least 30 inches. She'll be officially measured next month at her 9 month appointment.

Weight: At least 20 lbs. Again, she'll be officially weighted next month.

Feeding: Kinley is still eating an 8 oz bottle every 5+ hours, three in a day. She also eats 3.5 oz. of 2nd stage baby food twice a day. Kinley still loves whatever we put in front of her and has yet to not eat anything.

Sleeping: Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Still a wonderful sleeper and napper.

Size: Kinley wears size three diapers and is wearing 9 month or 12 month clothes. She is so long that I need to put her in the bigger size for the length.

Milestones: Kinley still loves to roll around but she is also very close to crawling. She has already taken a few crawling steps and it won't be long until she is doing it full time. Kinley has the cutest voice and her first word is "dada." She says it over and over and likes to mimic Eric and I when we say it. Kinley had two teeth pop up on the top. That makes five teeth all together. She is teething much quicker than Colton did. Colton only had two teeth at one year old! Kinley loves to stand and Eric likes to have her "walk" around with him. It scares me that she will walk before she barely crawls. She has a smile on her face the entire time and has even tried to take some steps with Daddy's help. Kinley is a very happy and content baby who loves to SMILE. She has been such a blessing on our lives.

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

Happy, happy Kinley at 8 months old.

My sister and niece came to visit. Colton was heaven! Here he decided to lay down with Mallory, just to be near her.

Kinley rolling around next to Lisa.

Mallory playing with Kinley just before leaving to head back to Utah.

Kinley loves her cousin!

Kinley and Colton showing some love.

Video of Colton making Kinley laugh.

Monday, January 9, 2012

December 25 - 21, 2011

This was a very different Christmas than normal, but with all the challenges, we still managed to have a very nice one. Eric and I are very lucky to have not only wonderful family and friends, who have helped out more than I can thank, but we have two, happy, healthy, beautiful children for which we are very thankful for as well. Enjoy!

Colton checking out his gifts from Santa on Christmas morning.

Kinley checking out her toys that Santa left.

Daddy helping Kinley open one of her gifts. Actually, Colton helped her out as well. He had a blast opening all of the presents.

The aftermath of opening all of their gifts. Colton received a lot of gifts from us and grandparents, but he has played with ALL of them. Kinley received some fun chew toys and new clothes.

Kinley hanging out on mommy's lap...her new favorite place.

Colton being his silly self.

Daddy showing Colton something on the iPad.

Kinley loves being on her belly because, although she can't crawl yet, she can get anywhere she wants by rolling around. She loves to get all of her brothers toys.

This is such a sweet picture. Colton has a child size chair that sits next to my recliner. One night he was looking at my leg, which he calls "Mommy's owie," and asked if he could kiss it better. Colton is very tenderhearted, especially towards me. This picture says it all.

Video of Colton seeing what Santa left him on Christmas morning, 2011.

Friday, January 6, 2012

December 18 - 24, 2011

What a fun week this was. Eric only worked a couple of days this week and normally, without the leg injury, we would've done a lot more, but we still made our sugar cookies and went to see some awesome Christmas lights. Enjoy!

Kinley in her cute dress.

Colton showing Kinley how he uses the iPad, but he's not sure he wants her to try it herself.

A couple days later, Kinley had a chance to play with the iPad herself. She enjoyed sucking on the headphones a little more than playing on the iPad.

One of our Christmas traditions is to make sugar cookies; some for us to eat and some for Santa. This is the first year that Colton was able to participate all the way. He did such a good job of cutting out ALL of the cookies himself and enjoyed eating the cookie dough as well :).

Here are some of the final products.

Happy Kinley all decked out in her cute Santa suit on Christmas Eve.

Eric doing some arm lifts with Kinley, she is clearly loving it!

Due to my injury I wasn't able to get our main tree up this year before it happened. Luckily, my dad and Ruby put it up when they came to help out the first week. It is such a pretty tree and they did a great job. Christmas Eve.

Colton hanging out Christmas Eve in his Christmas pj's.

Kinley also hanging out with Mommy, Daddy, and Colton on Christmas Eve in her holiday pj's.

Another Christmas tradition is to have the kids open one gift on Christmas Eve. Colton was so excited and happy to open his gift. He got a Thomas the Train set.

Kinley had more fun trying to eat the wrapping paper then opening the gift. She had fun playing with her new pink laptop.

One more Christmas tradition is to watch A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve. Here Colton is watching it with Mommy and Daddy. Kinley is sound asleep in her bed.

Video of Colton enjoying the Christmas lights around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve 2011.