
Monday, November 21, 2011

November 20 - 26, 2011

What a game-changer this week was. It started out as any other with happy, healthy kids and plans for our first Thanksgiving here in Vegas with Uncle Andy! Plans for Christmas shopping were also made as well as many fun Christmas activities. Then it all changed....

My "cutie pie" smiling for the camera.

Kinley sitting up so straight.

Kinley showing off her Thanksgiving wear.

Can't forget the turkey on the bum!

Uncle Andy came to Vegas for Thanksgiving. Kinley is in love :).

Colton loves "Uncle Andy" and likes to call him "silly Andy." Kinley is clearly impressed with "silly Andy" as well.

Colton is ready for Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful, relaxed Thanksgiving with some very yummy food. We were also so excited to have Andrew join us.

I had planned to do some Christmas shopping on Friday morning and then get all of our Christmas decorations put up. Eric and Andrew took Colton and went to the Valley of Fire state park, which is about an hour away, so I could accomplish this. I had put up a bunch of stuff and went to put some garland up around our kitchen window. I was standing up on the counter (which I've done countless times) to do this and as I went to jump down, I wobbled and my right leg hit the island, pushing it backwards. I heard it snap and knew instantly that I had broken my right leg. I sat on the floor, shocked, not knowing what to do. I had put Kinley down in her bed two hours earlier for a nap and prayed that she continued to sleep until Eric came home.
Luckily, our home phone was on the counter just above me, but unfortunately it was out of my reach. I was in incredible pain, but knew that somehow, some way, I needed to get to that phone. I started to throw objects at it to get it loose. Finally, after several tries, I finally got it loose and called Eric. They had just sat down to dinner, about 30 miles away. He instantly got in the car and rushed home. In the meantime, I sat on a hard, cold floor, praying that Kinley continued to sleep (she usually doesn't take longer than a 2 hour nap) and listened intently to her monitor, which was on the island and out of my reach. Eric continued to call me and check in on me and when he was only a few minutes away I called 911. I couldn't call before that due to all of the doors being locked and I didn't want any doors broken down :).
Andrew dropped off Eric and drove around with Colton. Colton is very tender-hearted towards me and would've freaked out had he seen me on the floor with the paramedics. Once at the hospital, x-rays were taken and we found out that I have two breaks in my right leg. One in the fibula and one in the tibula, up towards the knee cap. Due to the break and where it's located, surgery is needed and scheduled for Dec. 6. For right now and the near future, my life consists of sitting, sleeping, eating in a recliner 24 hours a day with a full leg brace. I am off work until at least January and will not be able to drive for at least two months. So when I said this week was a game changer for our family, you can now see why. I cannot express in words how much I love and appreciate Eric for all of his love and support during this trial. He is not only Daddy to our kids but has also become Mr. Mom. I am also so grateful to our families who are all making plans to come here and help, starting with my Dad and Ruby who are here with us now. More updates to come on this interesting, long journey....wish us luck!

And this is my life....full leg brace with ice constantly on my knee. Hey, at least I got a nice pedicure a few days before :). Also, notice the X on my foot? It's there just to make sure that they knew which leg was injured!!

Video Kinley talking

November 13 - 19, 2011

This week was a quiet one in the Gant household. Not much going, just getting ready to spend our first Thanksgiving in Las Vegas. Enjoy!

Kinley is teething right now and chews on ANYTHING she can get her hands on, including mommy's fingers.

Kinley looks so big to me in this picture. She is growing up so quickly.

Have I mentioned how much these two love each other. Kinley looks up to her brother and Colton loves to make her laugh. You can see how much these two enjoy each other in this picture. I hope that lasts for many, many, many more years.

Kinley is getting very close to crawling. She can pull herself up and it won't be long until she's moving all over the place.

Colton was so proud of himself. He stacked several toys on top of his Thomas the Train railway. Right after this picture was taken he promptly pushed it all to the ground.

Video of Kinley saying "No, No"

November 6 - 12, 2011

What a fun week we had. Veteran's Day fell this week so we got a three day weekend. My dad and Ruby decided to come visit and spend some time with the kiddos. We had a great time with them and Colton was very sad (along with us) to see them go. Good thing we will be seeing them again in a little over a month. Enjoy!

Kinley all dressed and ready for the cooler weather. Her feet are even covered in warm faux fur boots.

Kinley loves sitting up any chance she can.

Kinley is truly a happy baby. She loves rattles right now, as evident by the one in her hand.

Colton's favorite place right now is Chuck E Cheese. He couldn't wait to go there with Grandpa and Grandma.

Kinley loved looking at all the lights.

Kinley dancing video:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October 30 - November 5, 2011

What a fun week; Halloween and Kinley turned six months old! Colton really got into trick or treating this year and had a blast getting all dressed up.

Saying goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma.

I love the Fall Holidays so much that this year I even decorated one of our bathrooms.

Pumpkin carving about to start.


Kinley loves sitting in her bumbo seat and watching Mommy carve pumpkins.

Colton inspecting the final products.

Kinley showing off her cute ladybug outfit.

Colton posing in his Buzz Lightyear costume.

(I swear this was not scripted) Colton kissing his sisters hand.

Ladybug pj's to match the Halloween costume.

I love this picture....Colton and Kinley have the same expression...they really are so alike.

Kinley turned six months old on November 4th. She is such a big girl!

Height: 28 inches (95%+). Her doctor said that she is literally off the charts in height.

Weight: 18.14 oz. (90-95%)

Head Circumference: 43 1/2 cm (50-75%)

Feeding: Kinley is eats an 8 oz bottle every 5+ hours, three in a day. She also eats 3.5 oz. of baby food twice a day. Currently, Kinley loves anything I put in front of her. She is not a picky eater at all!

Sleeping: Kinley is an awesome sleeper! She sleeps anywhere between 10-12 straight a night. Her naps are not as consistent, but she usually naps after her morning and afternoon bottle.

Size: Kinley wears size two diapers and is wearing 6 or 6-12 month clothes.

Milestones: Kinley can sit up all by herself and loves to play with toys while sitting up. She loves to roll over and will put her hands on the ground and lift her head to see around her. Kinley still has two teeth, both on the bottom and I can feel another one coming in on the top.





Kinley chewing on anything she can get her hands on.

October 23 - 29, 2011

I don't have too many pictures of the week in general, but I have a bunch once we got to Utah for the weekend. I must say that although I love living in a warm climate, I do miss the Utah Falls. It's such a pretty time of the year. Colton enjoyed the changing leafs and had fun crunching them between his fingers. I realized that he had never experienced that before as this is the first time in his life that he has actually experienced a true fall, at least for a few days. Enjoy!

We had a full schedule while in Utah. Our first stop was Gardner's Village and their Witches.

Colton was fascinated by all of the witches and just wanted to look and touch them.

Grandpa holding Colton and Jake.

The hula-hoop witch.

Colton liked this witch, she's eating a hotdog and drinking a Coke.

Grandpa guiding Colton, who insisted on pushing his stroller.

Two of Colton's favorite things about Halloween is witches and pumpkins. This kid was in heaven.

Kinley all bundled up.

Family picture.

The witch and her frog.

There's a witch in a boat.

Hanging out with some pumpkins made from tree stumps.

Jake and Colton looking out the window at Apollo Burger. They enjoyed playing with each other and are only six weeks apart.

Colton all ready for the trunk or treat.

Marshall and Colton had fun playing with each other at the trunk or treat.

Colton enjoyed the trunk or treat. He was so cute by saying "trick or treat" to each person than thanking them for the candy.

On Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma had a Halloween party at their house for all of the grandkids, all 39 of them! They served lunch and had lots of games for the kids. Fun was had by all.

My dad and Ruby are announcing where they will be going on their mission. They were called to the Stillwater, Oklahoma CES misson for one year. They are expected to leave in May 2012. Eric and I were excited to hear that they were headed to Oklahoma. We will be able to visit them along with Barb and Dave next summer. Stillwater is only an hour and half from Norman.

Colton loved to throw a car into Grandpa's pond and got Mallory to get it out every time. You can see the joy on his face.

Blake and Kinley in her ladybug outfit.

Decorating a sugar cookie. He did a great job and certainly enjoyed eating it.

Colton loves slides!