
Saturday, February 18, 2012

January 29 - February 4, 2012

This week Kinley turned 9 months old! She is looking more like a toddler to me than a baby. It is kind of sad to me, but in the same breath, I'm looking forward to her getting bigger. Enjoy!

Lisa and Blake saying goodbye to the kiddos. We sure enjoyed having them for a few days. (Colton refused to get in the picture)

We went to play with Lillian and Emma. It's fun to see these kids play together.

Lillian has lots of princess dresses and when she put one on, Colton wanted to as well. He had it on for two minutes then asked that I take it off :).

And then the tutu came out...

Colton being silly.

Kinley turned 9 months old on February 4. Love this picture, looks like she's whispering something special to Mickey Mouse.

Height: 29 1/4 inches (90-95%)

Weight: 20 lbs. 12 oz. (75-90%)

Feeding: Kinley's eating habits have changed a bit since last month. For the weekends she eats breakfast with us, which she LOVES, and won't take her first bottle until 11:30 or 12:00. When she is home with us on the weekends, she eats two 8 oz. bottles. She loves pancakes, muffins, and waffles. Kinley gets upset if she doesn't get to eat when the rest of us are eating a meal. I've started to feed her some regular food in small doses, and she has eaten anything I've put in front of her :).

Sleeping: Great sleeper (I know, I'm a broken record). She takes at least two naps a day that range from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.

Size: Kinley wears size three diapers and is now wearing 12 or 12-18 month clothes. She continues to be bigger than her same age peer and very long.

Milestones: Kinley is our little crawler. She actually started to crawl right after her 8 month birthday. Kinley not only loves to crawl, but she pulls herself up whenever she can and she has already started to walk around couches. Kinley now has six teeth! She has three on top and three on the bottom. Kinley is such a HAPPY baby. She is rarely upset and even when she gets knocked down by her brother, she rarely cries and just gets back up. Eric and I have been very blessed with two GREAT babies, as my sister, Lisa, who has five kids, has reminded me often. I guess because we don't know any different, we are very lucky to have the wonderful kids that we do.

I love this picture. It's like she's telling me, "not another picture mom."

Six months old.

Seven months old.

Eight months old.

9 Months old.

1 comment:

  1. She is getting cuter each month! She is going to pass Paxten in 2 months easliy in the height & weight dept!
