
Monday, April 16, 2012

April 1 -7, 2012

This week was a fun one. We had Grandma Barb with us for a few days and then spent a few days in Utah, visiting the Leatherwood family side. Colton and Kinley had so much fun playing with their cousins and grandparents. Enjoy!

We colored eggs with Grandma Barb. Colton did a great job!

Grandma Barb helping Colton pick out some stickers to put on his eggs.

Kinley wanted to eat her egg.

Colton giving us a great smile after finishing his eggs.


11 Months Old!
Height: Not sure. Will be measured at her 1 year appointment next month.

Weight: Again, not sure but will find out in a couple of weeks.

Feeding: Kinley is nearly down to one bottle a day. We have started to replace them with regular food and find that she doesn't want her second bottle that much any more. Fine by me. She'll be completely off of a bottle and formula by the time she turns one.

Sleeping: Kinley still sleeps great. If she doesn't feel good then she will usually wake once or twice in the night. Lately, she has been struggling with a very runny nose. Not sure if she has allergies, but it's been running like a faucet! This has woken her up because it will get so stuffy at night that I'll have to clean it out for her so she can breathe through it again.

Size: Kinley is still wearing size three diapers and but her 12 or 12-18 month clothes are nearly done. I've noticed that some of the onsies are getting tight on her and the leggings are becoming capris. She is one long girl!

Milestones: Kinley is nearly a full time walker. She will stand up all by herself and take several steps before she falls. Kinley loves for us to hold onto one hand while she walks. She will be a full time walker in no time! Kinley still has eight teeth! I'm afraid that she is getting one of her cuspid molars, which is just crazy to me! Colton only had two teeth when he turned one and two more coming in. Kinley had twice as many teeth as he did....crazy! One of Kinley's favorite activities is to wave with her hand. Whenever someone says "hi" or "bye" she's waving like crazy. Kinley also loves playing with Colton and his cars. Colton is not always happy to share his toys with her, but he has gotten much better.

Our 9 month diva!

Get this headband off 10 month old!

Can't believe I'm almost one face!

We went to Utah from Wednesday to Sunday. We hadn't been there since October due to my unfortunate accident in November. It was great to see and catch up with everyone. Colton had so much fun playing with his cousins and Kinley was adored by all.

Marshall sharing a go-gurt with Colton. These two had so much fun together. They are only a year apart, so hopefully they'll continue to enjoy each others company.

Mitchell loved playing with Kinley. Unfortunately he was in casts for the last few weeks to help straighten out his feet.

Mallory requested to feed Kinley her bottle. Kinley couldn't be happier to have her cousin help take care of her.

Colton got to color eggs for the second time this year. Grandma Ruby and Grandpa Dan stopped by to help.

My nephew Bryce has a pet turtle, Sandy. Colton couldn't wait to see and touch her. He was a little freaked out at first, but grew very fond of her.

Still not to sure about Sandy, the turtle.

The local community college put on an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos. Colton was with Marshall in the 3-5 year range. Unfortunately, this was the largest group of kids which meant that the eggs went fast.

Grandpa and Grandma came to help out. Kinley's group, 0-12 months, had the least amount of kids, therefore a lot of loot! Kinley picked up lots of toys for her brother as well.

Marshall, Colton and Kinley with the Easter Bunny!

Kinley hanging out on Grandpa's shoulders waiting for the egg hunt to start.

Kinley showing off some skills with one of her egg hunt prizes.

The Easter Bunny showed up at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the kids. Colton had fun going around the backyard finding all of his and Kinley's eggs.

Colton found an Elmo egg.

Colton realized that the Easter Bunny left a little more for him and Kinley inside.

Colton also got some Hot Wheels cars to add to his collection. Kinley received some fun hands-on toys.

Onto the construction of our pool. The hole was finally finished and the plumbing and rebar went down. We're nearly half way done! Can't wait until we are able to enjoy the nice cool pool on a hot day.

Finished hole!

Plumbing started.

Plumbing done and rebar going in.


  1. Just love all the pictures! Adorable little ones. I can't believe how fast they are both growing up. And...I think the Villarreal Family needs to come visit this summer and check out the new POOL!!!

  2. The Villarreal Family is invited to Vegas and our pool ANY time! We would love to see all of you and soon!
