
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

I have to say that this Easter was a lot of fun. With Colton being nearly two we were able to color eggs, do an Easter egg hunt and have him genuinely excited to get an Easter basket this year. Enjoy!

Getting ready to color our eggs.

Daddy helping out with the egg coloring.

Colton loved putting stickers on Daddy as well as....

himself....posing with our finished eggs.

The finished products.

Colton's basket with the eggs that he found in the egg hunt.

Have I ever mentioned how much Colton loves the phone. Here he is pretending to talk to "granpa."

Easter morning....getting ready to go outside to the Easter egg hunt.

Finding one the eggs....

Putting all of his eggs together.

Finding the rest of his Easter surprise.....Buzz Lightyear and doggie.

We bought a little wading pool for Colt to play in and decided to fill it up and let the sun warm the water before letting him get in it. He had a different idea and decided to get in with his clothes on.

So, we decided to put on his swimming suit and let him go for it....

We were out there for about 45 minutes and he just played in the water....we hope to put in an actual pool this fall/winter. Next year at this time we hope to actually be relaxing/playing in a bigger, nicer pool :).

Easter Egg Hunt Video

Spring 2011

This has been a busy Spring for us. With the anticipation of Baby Kinley making her way to us and me being off work, we've been able to get a lot done and Colton has enjoyed having more time with Mommy before Baby K gets here. I've attached new pictures of both Colton's room and Kinley's as I've pretty much finished hers. Enjoy!

Colton fell asleep after eating lunch....he has only done this one other time that I can think of...he must've been really tired.

Colton received an early birthday gift from Grandma Barb and Grandpa Dave...Horsey!

Colton has adjusted really well to his new BIG boy bed. He sleeps through the night and comes into our room when he wakes in the morning. We are so glad that we thought to get him transitioned into a new bed a few months before Kinley comes.

Colton's nightstand and rocker. Colton loves to grab a book or two and sit in his rocker to read his books.

I found another changing table on clearance so I decided to get it so that both Kinley and Colton would have one in their rooms. I found one that matches the rest of Colton's furniture, which was nice. I'm still planning on potty training him this summer but until then I won't have to worry about where to change him.

These are all of the mini bats from each major league baseball game that we've been to since Colton was born. It's Eric and I's goal to eventually hit all of the baseball parks.

Colton's dresser.

Closet and door.

Kinley's room with her rocker and nightstand.

This view hasn't changed too much, just some stuff on the wall and floor.

The quilt on this wall is pretty special. Before my mom passed away, twelve years ago, I was not married nor had any kids, she thought ahead and made me a boy and girl set of quilts and baby blankets. Colton loved his baby blankets and it became one of his favorites due to how soft it was and because I think he knew it was special. Kinley will grow up knowing how special these items are to her.

This is her dresser with all the necessities: burb clothes, lotion, tiny diapers, wipes and of course her binkies and headbands :). I also changed out the knobs to be a little more girly.

Changing table with all necessities that Colton just loves to pull out whenever he can.

This cute shelf, clock and flower chandelier sit above her rocker.

Her door with K.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chuck E Cheese and Daddy's baseball game

Chuck E Cheese
Eric, unfortunately, had gotten kidney stones once again. Ironically, the first time he had experienced them was when I was pregnant with Colton. He was in a lot of pain and pain medication was inconsistent as to when it would work or not. He had to take a couple days off of work due to the pain. One day he felt miserable in the morning but luckily the pain had subsided enough and we decided to take Colton to Chuck E Cheese for some fun. It was nice because the place was empty and we had the place to ourselves. Colton was not interested in lunch at all (pizza) and all he wanted to do was go around with Daddy to all of the different games.

Colton's favorite games were the ones where he was able to pretend to drive something.

or if they had Spongebob on it....here Daddy is helping Colton bowl.

Helping Colton steer the race car around the track.

Stopping to see what Spongebob game this was....too bad it was out of service.

Another fun car to drive...this time with Stuart Little.

Colton looks like he is hanging on for dear life with Daddy taking the wheel.

Later that night we went to see Daddy play softball.

All Colton wanted to do was play on the playground.

A couple of older girls were there playing as well and took a liking to Colton.

Take a close look, Colt has a mini helmet on his head....this kid loves hats!

Silly Colton

We got a new camera, Cannon Rebel EOS and boy is it nice. I am still getting use to taking pictures with it and hope to get better each time I take pictures.

It's been a while since I've updated everyone on how big Colton is getting. Colton is now 23 months (boy how time flies) and his little personality is such a cute one. He is very sweet and even tempered (for the most part) and I must say polite little boy. He constantly says "Please," "thank you," and "sorry" when necessary. Colton's hair has started to come in and it is a dark red, almost auburn in color. With his piercing blue eyes and fair skin, he gets compliments wherever we go from strangers...."what a handsome little boy...love the red hair!" Daddy keeps thinking that it will get lighter in color, and maybe it will, but for now he wears it well and reminds me of my mom, Grandma Marsha, who passed away 12 years ago. She had beautiful red hair the color of Colton's. It's like Grandma Marsha wanted to put her stamp on our special little boy. He is now over 36 inches high and weighs nearly 33 pounds! He is wearing all 3T clothes and a size 6 diaper. I hope to get him potty trained this summer as he seems interested in it now, plus it will be nice not to have two kiddos in diapers at the same time! Colton has a huge vocabulary and speaks in sentences most of the time. He can also name most of his colors and count to five. Colton knows all of the words to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and loves to sing it with Mommy. His new favorite song is "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" and says the last part, "And the Dr. said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" in a deep voice (too funny)! Colton still loves to watch the Sprout channel and his favorite show is Calliou, which he will sit for the entire time and watch. His new favorite show is Bubble Guppies on Nickelodeon. Colton is a loving child who freely gives "loves" (hugs) to whoever wants one and laughs at the silliest things. Eric and I are very blessed to have such a wonderful, content little boy who will be a wonderful older brother to his new sister Kinley, who he refers to either "baby" or "KK".

Colton and his big blue eyes. He seems to chew and play more with his binkies than suck on them.

Colton got into my makeup one day and if you look closely he has eyeliner on his face. This is how I found him....with the look of guilt on his face.

This was in early March, the first really nice day that we had. Colton couldn't wait to get outside.

Trying to see the dog next door that was barking.

Again, a guilty look on his face. I had left him for a few seconds so that I could use the bathroom. When I came back, he had climbed on top of the island and poured the syrup on the newspaper, emptying nearly the whole bottle.

A closer look at the damage. This boy loves to take the lids, caps, tops off of things and pour out whatever is inside.

It's hard to be mad at this kid....just look at that face.

I can't express how much Colt loves his time at Gymboree. Now that I'm home we try to go twice a week, he would go daily if he could.

Happy, happy boy! Love the tongue hanging out!

One of his favorite things....the slide...weeee!

I love this picture. Why you might ask? Take a look and you will see that Colton has stopped what he was doing and is one of the only kids paying attention to the teacher, Miss Jessica. With all of the energy that Colton has, he can still stop and listen to the teacher.

This is Colton's "Oh Mom, not another picture!"

This is one of Colton's favorite things at Gymboree....getting stamps of Gymbo on his hands and feet.

I made the mistake of leaving the drivers side door open when I got Colton out of his car seat. Colton quickly climbed up and started to hit all of the gadgets and buttons.

You can see the joy on his face and he plays in Daddy's car.

Colton decided to get into his toy box and promptly take every single toy out of it.

Once that was done, he was out of there!

Another silly side to Colton. Hmmm, lets see if I can stick two binkies in my mouth at the same time! Yup, no problem!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Silly Colton just couldn't stop laughing as I was taking his picture.

After breakfast one morning, Colton promptly got a book and took a seat on the couch.

Once he noticed that I had noticed, he started to be silly and flipped around and put his head down.

He was having fun with me and started laughing.